- Initials : CASHFLOW
- Frequency : Four Times a Year (January, April, July, October)
- Print ISSN : 2809-848X
- Online ISSN : 2809-8226
- Editor in Chief : Dr. Madziatul Churiyah, M.M
- DOI : https://doi.org/10.55047/cashflow
- Publisher : Transpublika Publisher
- Citation Analysis : Dimensions | Google Scholar Metrics
CURRENT ADVANCED RESEARCH ON SHARIA FINANCE AND ECONOMIC WORLDWIDE main objectives is to establish an effective channel of communication between stakeholders including academic and research institution, businesses, governments and communities. It also aims to promote and disseminate the research finding in the development of management, accounting, and economic theories and practices.
This CASHFLOW Journal provides wider range of scope on the area of management, accounting, and economic which is not limited on general practices but also on the issues of Sharia Economics, History of Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Law, Local Wisdom in Sharia Economic Perspective, and others related to sharia economics. The journal is published periodically with the frequency of issuance 4 times a year (January, April, July, October)
e-ISSN : 2809-8226 (online) p-ISSN : 2809-848X

CASHFLOW : CURRENT ADVANCED RESEARCH ON SHARIA FINANCE AND ECONOMIC WORLDWIDE main objectives is to establish an effective channel of communication between stakeholders including academic and research institution, businesses, governments and communities. It also aims to promote and disseminate the research finding in the development of management, accounting, and economic theories and practices.
This CASHFLOW Journal provides wider range of scope on the area of management, accounting, and economic which is not limited on general practices but also on the issues of Sharia Economics, History of Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Law, Local Wisdom in Sharia Economic Perspective, and others related to sharia economics. The journal is published periodically with the frequency of issuance 4 times a year (January, April, July, October)
e-ISSN : 2809-8226 (online) p-ISSN : 2809-848X
Cashflow Journal Has been Accredited Sinta 5
2024-11-13Official recognition from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology through Decree No. 177/E/KPT/2024
How To Submit
2024-11-02Call For Papers CASHFLOW on 2025 Edition
2024-11-02Call For Papers CASHFLOW on 2023 Edition
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): October
Published: 2024-10-15
This issue is available online since 15th October 2024 for regular issue of October 2024. All articles in this issue (12 original research articles) were written by 29 authors from Indonesia and India and reviewed by collaboration of reviewers from Iran, Pakistan, and Indonesia
(Download Full Issue)