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Ahmed Faydhullah Ahmed
Makwan Mohammed Abdulkareem*
Total Hip Arthroplasty is one of the most successful surgical interventions in the history of orthopedic surgery. Multiple factors affect Total Hip Arthroplasty stability such as soft tissue tension, component position, surgical approach and patient compliance. Most common indication of Total Hip Arthroplasty is end-stage, symptomatic osteoarthritis. This study aimed at defining detailed evaluation of total hip joint Arthroplasty before and after surgery. This review article was conducted by using deferent previously published articles considering effective preoperative and postoperative assessment of total hip Arthroplasty. Preoperative detailed history, examination along with preoperative radiographic assessments and postoperative CT and/or plain radiographic assessments are mandatory for successful outcome. Total Hip Arthroplasty could be performed by different surgical approaches with the posterior one being the most commonly applied.
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