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Dany Try Hutama Hutabarat
Bunga Cyntia Lutfianur
Duwi Anggun Amsari
Irvi Nadila
Cindy Indah Yani
Alfathi Rizki
Laws are regulations made by the government. The rule of law is a state that enforces justice that deviates from the rules of a country. Human rights (HAM) can be interpreted as basic rights in humans. Human rights have been given since we were born, so no one has the right to rob human rights, whoever it is. The rule of law is enforced so that people can obey the rules of a country, one of which is to protect one's human rights. The rule of law with human rights is very attached. Because one indication to be called a state of law, among others, the enforcement of human rights, because a state of law without respecting and respecting the principles of human rights cannot be called a state of law m%20Hak%20azasi%20manusia.pdf diunduh sabtu, 29 januari 2022, puku; 08.45 wib., diunduh sabtu, 29 januari pukul 15.35 wib. Mansyur Effendi.1994. Dimendsi Dinamika Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Hukum Nasional dan Internasional.Ghalia Indonesia: Jakarta. Hal 32.
Philipus M. hadjon dalam Majda El-Muhtaj…. Op.Cip. Hal. 39.
A.V. Dicey dalam Majda El-Muhtaj… ibid. Hal. 24.
Masyhur Effendi…. Op.Cip. hal. 32