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This study aims to identify and measure the performance of PT Citra Karya Jabar Tol Sumedang Regency, West Java. This research uses descriptive research methods with a quantitative approach. The results of the descriptive analysis resulted that the work experience variable consisted of 6 statements with an average score of 127.83 which showed well seen from the assessment table. The results of a descriptive analysis that the job training variable consists of 6 statements with a score of 126.1667 indicates good judging from the scoring table. Furthermore, the performance variable consists of 12 statements with a score of 140.33 indicates good judging from the scoring table. Meanwhile, the work experience regression coefficient of 2,006, means that if the work experience is increased by 1 work unit, the performance will increase by 2,006 units. Likewise, the training regression coefficient of 0.803, means that if the training is increased by 1 unit, the performance will increase by 0.803 units. In addition, R square value of 0.951 or 95.1% was obtained, which means the influence of work experience and training on employee performance in PT. Citra Karya Jabar Tol in West Java simultaneously amounted to 95.1%, while the remaining 4.9% was influenced by other variables beyond this study.
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