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Dany Try Hutama Hutabarat*
Agus Salam
Ahmad Zuwandana
Chairanda Al Azmi
Chandra Ridho Wijaya
Ira Tania
Lili Kahirina Azhari Lubis
Muhammad Aldi Prayuda Sitorus
Robiatul Adawiyah
Rizky Sinaga
Social stratification is a system in the social order that divides individuals into social classes. Finally, the social class will differentiate both the level and the rights and obligations of each individual in the class. The basis and core of a social stratification system is that there is an imbalance in the acquisition of rights and obligations, as well as responsibilities, between each individual and group in a series of social systems. The purpose of this research is to examine how law is applied at every level of society in Indonesia. This article was written using a qualitative technique, and it is designed to provide theoretical and practical usefulness to the community. According to the discussion, a social stratification system is one in which there is a distinction between one class or groups in standardized classes. Furthermore, there is evidence that there is a disparity between class stratification and law enforcement in Indonesia. As a result, law enforcement should be carried out in line with the applicable laws that have been jointly agreed upon in order to avoid creating a new long-term problems.
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