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Umi Nurul Hikmah*
Rida Prihatni
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of parental attention, learning motivation, and emotional intelligence on student learning outcomes in basic accounting subjects for class X at SMK Negeri in East Jakarta. This study's population consisted of students enrolled in class X Accounting at State Vocational Schools in East Jakarta, with an accessible population of 213 students and a sample size of 138 respondents. The t-test and F tests are used to test the hypothesis in this study. The t-test results indicate that there is a positive and marginally significant relationship between parental attention and learning outcomes, learning motivation and learning outcomes, and emotional intelligence and learning outcomes. The results of the F test indicate that parental attention, learning motivation, and emotional intelligence have a positive and statistically significant effect on academic achievement. The influence of parental attention, learning motivation, and emotional intelligence on learning outcomes yielded a coefficient of determination of 13.4%; the remaining variance was attributable to unmeasured factors.
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