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Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a plant that originates from India but is now widely available in several countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa, including Indonesia. This plant can grow in tropical environments with hot, humid, and dry conditions, and in less fertile soil. To facilitate its use in food, Moringa leaves are processed into flour through a drying stage. The nutritional content of Moringa leaves (in dried flour form) can be beneficial for improving nutrition, containing protein equivalent to 9 times that found in yogurt, 15 times the potassium in bananas, 25 times the iron in spinach, 17 times the calcium in milk, 10 times the vitamin A in carrots, and half the vitamin C in oranges. Besides being easy to obtain, Moringa leaves are also an inexpensive ingredient. This research aims to determine the levels of protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, and ash content in the production of flour from Moringa leaves, which will then be tested for the characteristics of the produced Moringa leaf flour. The characteristics of Moringa leaf flour are as follows: it has a protein content of 23.37%, a carbohydrate content of 51.59%, a fat content of 6.74%, a water content of 6.64%, and an ash content of 11.67%.
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